有了?! Daddy-To-Be
第45屆金穗獎 最佳編劇
阿鈞原本在等待入伍的悠閒日子,全都在女友小安的驗孕棒出現兩條線後,開始糗態百出。 從小失去父親的阿鈞,面對這突如其來的「父親身分」顯得手足無措。 此時,媽媽甲玲將自己珍藏20幾年的手錶送給阿鈞,他沒料到這竟然是父親的遺物!阿鈞看著手上老氣的金色手錶,他能發出身為父親的光芒嗎?
As Jun waits leisurely to enlist in the army, everything starts to go sloppy after two lines appear on his girlfriend’s pregnancy test. Jun, who lost his father as a child, is at a loss because of his sudden ““fatherhood”“. Meanwhile, his mother Jia-ling gives Jun a golden watch, a relic from his father. Looking at the old-fashioned watch, Jun wonders if he can become a reliable man.
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