



※得獎影片觀賞期間:5月4日〈六〉18:00 - 5月31日〈三〉23:59。


  1. 請至金馬線上影院登入建立帳號,點選欲觀賞影片之「租借」按鈕即可進入付款頁面。
  2. 線上影院僅限信用卡付款。此交易屬於海外消費,信用卡發卡銀行可能會收取海外交易手續費。
  3. 影片租借數量有限,售完為止。線上影片租借只在本會因不可抗力之因素而取消放映時,方可退款。


  1. 租借後,影片上架期間均可點選播放。一旦開始播放,須得在72小時內觀賞完畢;逾期或超過上架期間,影片將無法播放。
  2. 若點選播放時,距離影片下架時間已不到72小時,則以該影片下架時間為最後觀影期限,請務必在下架前觀賞完畢。
    • 如於週一23:00點選播放,則最晚須於週四23:00前觀賞完畢。
    • 如於週六19:00才點選播放,由於距離下架時間已不到72小時,最遲須在週日22:09開始觀影,才能看完全片,影片自週日23:59下架後即無法觀看。
  3. 影片不限國家/地區皆可觀看。帳戶只限本人使用,不得轉讓他人;同一帳戶限登入5個裝置(不同瀏覽器版本、切換瀏覽器帳號,或使用無痕模式皆視為不同裝置),同一時間只限1個裝置觀看,建議觀看時使用固定裝置。
  4. 可使用觀看裝置包括PC/Mac瀏覽器、iOS手機/Apple TV、Android手機/TV,詳細裝置規格需求與 Chromecast說明請參考線上影院官網觀影支援使用者服務條款
  5. 影片之權利屬於版權所有者,任何攝影、錄影、錄音、下載、共享、在公共場所播放等行為皆屬違法,可能招致法律訴訟,本會保留以民事或刑事追究的法律權利。
  6. 上述事項若有未盡事宜,主辦單位保留節目及活動更動之權利,詳見金馬線上影院使用者服務條款

Single Rental

NT$ 50

Available from May 4 (Sat) 18:00. Rentals are subject to availability.


  1. To watch a film, please sign-in or register as a member, select the film to rent, and click RENT to enter the payment process (with credit card only). Film rental must be done one by one. If you want to rent multiple films, please complete the payment separately for each rental.
  2. Your credit card company may charge a foreign transaction fee to this transaction. Please check with your bank for further details. The fee is not handled by the Festival, and the Festival is not liable for refunds or compensations for this charge.
  3. Online film rentals are non-refundable unless the screenings are canceled due to unforeseen circumstances beyond our control.


  1. Please pay attention to the online screening schedule and the film’s [Until Date]. After you rent a film, it can be played only during its rental period and before the film expires.
  2. Once you press play, the film will be available to watch within either 72 hours or the film’s Until Date, depending on which is sooner.
    ※ eg. If a user starts watching the film 10 minutes before the Until Date, the stream will cut out midstream at that 10-minute point and NOT allow the user the standard watch window (i.e. 72 hours) to play. Please take the film length into account and finish the film before its Until Date.
  3. Rentals can not be transferred. You can register up to 5 devices/browsers for your account, but each account is limited to only 1 stream at the same time.
  4. You can watch the films with PC/Mac browsers, iPhones, Apple TV, Android phones, and Android TV. Please find the complete list of system requirements and technical support at the Help and Terms & Conditions page at the Golden Horse Virtual Cinema website.
  5. The films on Golden Horse Virtual Cinema are owned by the licensors and the right holders. We take infringement seriously. You must not (and must not permit others to) copy, record, download, share or distribute the films, and you must not broadcast the films in public or exploit the films in any manner.
    The Festival reserves all rights and remedies available to us to prevent any infringement of intellectual property we or our licensors own that is presented in Golden Horse Virtual Cinema.
  6. The Festival reserves the right to change the program.