回聲 Day of Echoes
丟棄。洞。積水。 瘋了似的女人用力搓擦自己的身體,極力擺脫留在鼻腔裡的惡臭,但卻甩不開因丟棄而生的夢靨,洞中的景象、水流、聲音,都變成回聲一般出現在她家中使她崩潰,直逼她面對最原始的動物性。
Abandoned. Hole. Puddle. A crazed woman forcefully scrubs her body, trying to the extreme to get rid of the stink lodged in her nostrils, but cannot flick off the nightmare of having been abandoned. Inside the hole, the images, streams, sounds – all appear in her house like an echo, leading to her breakdown, making her confront that most primal of animal instincts.
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