
王登鈺動畫作品|Fish Wang's Animated Short Films

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王登鈺以其獨特的風格、天馬行空的創意,在業界獨樹一格。自創辦「煙囪動畫」以來,其創作形式多元,漫畫、短篇小說、音樂MV和各式動畫短片,產量豐沛。2019年以短片作品《金魚》拿下金馬獎最佳動畫短片;2023年《幽暗小徑的鬼》不僅入圍第60屆金馬獎、克萊蒙費宏短片影展、薩格勒布動畫影展,更獲得西班牙錫切斯奇幻影展 - 競賽單元最佳動畫短片;VR作品《紅尾巴》榮獲2023安錫動畫影展VR水晶獎及法國新影像藝術節最佳動畫短片的肯定。

Fish Wang, the founder of Chimney Animation, is also an animation director, art designer, and manga artist. Known for his unique style and boundless creativity, Fish has carved out a distinctive niche in the industry while maintaining a prolific output.

Fish’s original animation works include music videos and various animated shorts. Among them, “The Ghost of the Dark Path” won Best Animated Short in the Competition section at the 2023 Sitges Film Festival in Spain, and “Red Tail” received the Crystal Award at the 2023 Annecy International Animation Film Festival as well as Best Animated Short at the New Images Festival in France. Fish’s earliest short, “Gold fish,” won Best Animated Short at the 2019 Golden Horse Film Festival in Taiwan.


幽暗小徑的鬼 Ghost of the Dark Path
20min Animation 2023
金魚 Gold Fish
16min Animation 2018