



. 當您使用本服務並完成註冊手續成為平台會員時,即表示您已閱讀、瞭解並同意接受本條款之所有內容,您與本會之間具有法律約束的協議。本會有權於任何時間修改或變更本服務條款之項目或內容,修改後的條款內容將公佈於本服務之網站上,建議您隨時注意該等修改或變更。

. 您於本條款細則或內容經任何修改或變更後繼續使用本服務,視為您已閱讀、瞭解並同意接受該等服務項目或內容變更。如您不同意本服務條款之內容全部或部份,或者您所屬的國家、地域之法律排出本服務條款內容之全部或部份之適用時,您應立即停止使用本服務。若您為未滿十八歲,除應符合上述規定外,並應於您的家長(或監護人)閱讀、瞭解並同意本服務條款之所有內容及其後之修改變更後,方得使用或繼續使用本服務,並遵守電影分級制度。當您使用或繼續使用本服務時,即表示您的家長(或監護人)已閱讀、瞭解並同意接受本服務條款之所有內容及其後之修改變更,亦同意受使用條款之拘束。




. 詳細設備要求在【觀影支援 Help】頁面有詳細說明。

. 平台仍可能發生無法在已提及之所有設置條件上運行,除較舊的硬體(筆電、平板、手機)、瀏覽器和作業系統外,有少數情形為:上述提及設備/產品之品牌,在推出新版本服務或更新時,亦可能有尚未發現的技術漏洞及缺陷,屬於非平台提供技術服務之問題。



.欲租借或購買平台內容,您必須年滿 18 歲並且位於該平台內容被授權提供的地區。您同意不在該地區以外使用或嘗試使用平台。我們可能會使用地理過濾/封鎖技術來驗證您的合規性並防止在該地區之外進行存取。 您有責任確保所有通過您的網際網路連接存取平台的人,都了解並遵守這些條款。

.一旦您提交了租借或購買任何平台內容的訂單,將無法取消訂單。 租借或購買平台內容的付款處理由第三方支付提供商處理。租借或購買平台內容時,您需要在支付系統中輸入信用卡詳細資訊,才能享有影片串流服務。通過該系統的所有付款均使用 SSL安全協議處理,敏感資訊將被加密以保護您的隱私。





. 您同意不使用此服務進行公開播放。平台所提供之所有服務及影片內容僅供您個人觀賞使用,不可作為商業用途,亦不得共享帳號進行觀影,嚴禁盜錄轉載。

. 您同意依據所有適用法律、規則和規範或針對此服務或內容的其他使用限制規定使用本服務,包括與其相關的所有特性和功能。您同意不存檔、重製、散布、修改、展示、公開播放、出版、授權、製作衍生作品、出售或使用(除非本服務條款明確授權) 本平台所包含的內容資訊及服務。您還同意不:規避、移除、更改、停用、降級或妨礙本服務的任何內容保護措施;使用任何網路機器人(robot)、網路蜘蛛(spider)、網路抓取(scraper)程式或自動化方式來取用本服務;將透過本服務取得的任何軟體或其他產品或程式進行反解釋、進行還原工程或反組譯;插入任何程式碼或產品或以任何方式操控本服務的內容;或使用任何資料探勘、資料收集或資料擷取方式。此外,您同意不上傳、發佈、以電子郵件傳送或以其他方式發送或傳輸任何旨在干擾、破壞或限制與本服務相關的任何電腦軟體或硬體或電信設備功能的資料,包括任何軟體病毒或其他任何電腦程式碼、檔案或程式。如果您違反本服務條款或以非法或詐欺之圖使用服務,則我們可終止或限制您使用我們的服務。

. 基於上述影片版權保護前提,影片內容皆會嵌入數位防盜浮水印,並在合乎法律規範使用下,用於追蹤及蒐證。本會或平台服務商可能因使用者產生違法行為之疑慮下,隨時監視和控制您對平台的使用。

. 平台所提供之串流服務,僅限透過平台服務商所支援之相容裝置,進行獲授權予台北金馬影展之版權影片進行串流播放。影片內容是依「現狀」提供,不提供任何擔保並不附條件,我們的服務不可能不受到干擾或不出現錯誤。您同意放棄對我們請求任何特殊、間接及衍生性的損害賠償。這些條款不限制您依據居住國家/地區強制法所享有的任何不可放棄的擔保或消費者權利。

. 平台所提供之線上觀影內容及品質,可能因裝置不同而有差異,並且可能受到多種因素的影響,完全依據您觀影當下所在的位置、可用頻寬、相容裝置或網路連線速度與穩定度。可否以高畫質(HD,即720p或1080p)播放受到網路服務與裝置本身性能的限制。並非所有內容均能以原始格式播放。高畫質的最低連線速度為7Mbps;建議觀賞高畫質內容時,使用每個串流至少5.0Mbps的下載速度接收。所有網路連線費將用由您自行承擔。若欲了解觀賞串流所適用的條件及網路數據費用資訊,請進一步諮詢您的網路服務供應商如:中華電信、台灣大哥大等電信業者。


 - 不要向其他人透露您的帳號資訊;
 - 您全權負責維護您的會員帳號之機密和安全,以及在您的會員帳號中或通過您的會員帳號發生的所有活動;
 - 若您的會員帳號有任何安全漏洞,您同意立即通知本會;
 - 因未經授權使用您的會員帳號所造成的任何損失,本會概不負責;
 - 如果您代表他人建立會員帳號、使用平台,您需保證已獲得相應之授權,並且承擔因進行任何未經授權的活動,而導致違反本條款的所有責任和後果。 您不得存取或試圖存取您無權訪問的會員帳號。 您同意在成為會員時提供準確完整的資訊,並在您使用平台時,更新此類資訊以保持其準確和完整性。

我們尊重您的隱私。您將受到我們的【隱私權政策 Privacy Policy】約束及保護。









. 您不得(也不得允許他人)授權或協助任何其他人刪除或干擾任何平台內容中包含的任何版權聲明。

. 我們嚴肅對待侵犯我們的版權(以及授權方和服務提供商的版權)之行為。您必須:
 - 僅在遵守這些條款的情況下使用平台內容和相關資訊和素材,不得用於任何其他目的;
 - 不得下載、上傳、複製、重製、向公眾傳播、傳輸、發布、廣播、修改、操縱、出租、出借、出售、分發或創建任何平台內容或其任何部分的任何衍生作品;
 - 不得以任何方式複製、重製、修改或操縱平台以及/或者平台內容的任何部分;
 - 不得以任何未經授權的方式利用平台或平台內容。

. 我們保留所有可用的權利和補救措施,以防止侵犯我們或授權方或服務提供商所擁有且包含在平台或平台內容中的知識產權。

. 本會的商標、服務標誌、圖像和與平台相關的商標是本會的知識產權。與平台或平台內容相關的其他商標、服務標誌、圖像和商標則是其各自所有者的商業標誌。您未被授予任何上述標誌的權利或許可以及對此類商標的任何使用權。


. 針對網站服務,本會擁有以下權利:
 - 終止您與本會之間以本條款訂立之協議;以及
 - 不經通知隨時停止存取平台(或其任何部分)或任何平台中的內容。

. 如果由於任何原因平台在任何時間或任何時期不可用,我們將不承擔任何責任。我們可能會不定時限制對平台某些部分或平台內容的存取。
. 如果我們認為您未能遵守這些條款,我們有權隨時禁用您的會員資格。
. 您可以隨時停止使用平台。


使用平台的風險由您自行承擔。 本會不保證、代表或擔保平台使用之不間斷或無錯誤,並且不對此類事件造成的任何損失負責,包括但不限於損失、破壞、攻擊、病毒、干擾、駭客攻擊或其他安全入侵或超出本會以及/或者授權方以及/或者服務提供商合理控制範圍的任何其他因素,包括但不限於您的相容設備或網際網路使用。在法律允許的範圍內,平台和平台內容由本會提供,除適用法律賦予您的法定保護外,不提供任何形式的保證或擔保。






對於因我們無法控制的原因而未能履行任何義務,我們概不負責。 我們可能會向您的電子郵件地址發送郵件通知您有關平台的資訊。通知一經發出即立即生效。





1. Definitions

The Company, we and us means Taipei Golden Horse Film Festival.
Compatible Devices means a device compatible with the Platform as listed in these terms.
Member means a person that has supplied the requisite information and accepted membership of the Platform and Membership has a corresponding meaning.
Member Account means an account held by a Member with The Company for the purposes of buying or renting Platform Content through the Platform.
Platform Content means a film or TV series or an episode of a TV series or any other product or content provided by us for buying or renting through the Platform.
Platform means the digital content platform provided by us (and/or by our third party service providers on our behalf) and includes all pages of and all information, material, text, graphics and facilities on the Platform.
Rental Content means Platform Content which has been rented by a Member and is available for viewing for a specific time period.
Purchased Content means Platform Content which has been purchased by a Member and is available for viewing for an indefinite time period, or for as long as the Member holds a Member Account.

2. Acceptance of Terms

These terms form the basis on which you agree to use The Company’s Platform to buy or rent our films and TV series.
These terms represent a legally binding agreement between you and The Company. By using the Platform (which includes accessing the Platform, creating an account, and/or buying or renting any Platform Content), you accept these terms and agree to abide by them.
If you need to contact us about the Platform, you can do so by contacting us through Customer Service Email: info@goldenhorse.org.tw .
We reserve the right to change these terms. If we do so, then prior to any subsequent purchase of any Platform Content, you will receive an email notifying you of the updated terms to the email address you provided when creating your account.

3. Use of the Platform

The Platform permits you to buy or rent our Platform Content for your personal use in accordance with these terms, including any terms specific to particular Platform Content.
To buy or rent Platform Content you must be 18 years or older and located in a territory where the particular Platform Content is authorised to be available. You agree not to use or attempt to use the Platform from outside this territory. We may use geo-filtering / geo-blocking technologies to verify your compliance and prevent access outside this territory.
You are responsible for ensuring that all persons who access the Platform through your internet connection are aware of these terms and that they comply with them.

4. Technology Requirements

You are responsible for making all arrangements necessary for you to access the Platform including ensuring you employ technology capable of utilising the Platform. Use of the Platform requires Compatible Devices, certain software (fees may apply) and internet access. Use of the Platform may be affected by the performance of these factors and these requirements are subject to change at any time. We will use reasonable endeavours to give you notice of any changes.

5. Compatible Devices and Software

The system requirements are detailed in the Help page. You acknowledge that the Platform may not work on all Compatible Devices set out above, particularly older devices, browsers and/or operating systems.
High-speed internet access is strongly recommended.

6. Purchase and Payment

To use the Platform you must become a Member and you must agree to these terms.
Once you have become a Member you can elect to buy or rent Platform Content. The fees to buy or rent Platform Content are specified on the Platform and will be indicated to you before you confirm payment. Fees are subject to change from time to time without notice.
Once you have submitted your order for the purchase or rental of any Platform Content you will not be able to cancel your order.
Payment processing for buying or renting Platform Content is handled by a third party payment gateway provider. When buying or renting Platform Content you will need to enter your credit card details into the payment system before you are able to view the Platform Content. All payments via this system are processed using SSL (Secure Socket Layer) protocol, where sensitive information is encrypted to protect your privacy.
Your credit card issuer may charge a transaction fee on top of your purchases. Please contact your credit card issuer to learn more about what fees may apply, if any. Taipei Golden Horse Film Festiva (TGHFF) is not responsible for these non-refundable fees. If you suspect there has been a fraudulent credit card transaction recorded in respect of the Platform you must contact The Company directly to resolve your complaint. The Company will co-operate with the third party payment gateway to provide reasonable assistance in resolving any complaint.
The Company accepts no liability for any losses you may incur as a result of any breach of terms either by yourself or by our third party payment provider and if you have any complaints regarding the payment process you need to raise these with The Company directly.

7. Member Accounts

Some important details about your Member Account:
- Don’t reveal your account information to anyone else;
- You are solely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality and security of your Member Account and for all activities that occur on or through your Member Account;
- You agree to immediately notify The Company of any security breach of your Member Account;
- The Company shall not be responsible for any losses arising out of the unauthorised use of your Member Account;
- If you create a Member Account and/or use the Platform on someone else’s behalf, you warrant that you have that person’s authority to do so. You also accept all liability and the consequences for any breaches of these terms resulting from any unauthorised activity you conduct. You shall not access or attempt to access a Member Account that you are not authorised to access. You agree to provide accurate and complete information when you become a Member, and as you use, the Platform and you agree to update such information to keep it accurate and complete.

8. Buying and Renting Platform Content

Platform Content is available to Members to buy or rent for streaming via the Platform.
Platform Content is only available within the territories in which the particular Platform Content is authorised to be available.
The Platform Content will be available to you to start viewing on Compatible Devices upon successful payment for the Platform Content and subject to the speed of your internet connection and as follows:

Renting Platform Content

You acknowledge that the volume of data consumed by accessing the Platform Content is typically high. The payments you make to rent or purchase Platform Content do not include any charges for internet usage. You are solely responsible for any internet usage or charges that your ISP may apply in relation to accessing Platform Content.

9. Privacy

We respect your privacy. Your use of the Platform is subject to our Privacy Policy.

10. Platform Service and Availability

We may modify, suspend, or discontinue the Platform or any Platform Content at any time with or without notice to you.
We will not be liable for any unavailability of the Platform or of any Platform Content if you have breached any of these terms or for any unavailability beyond our control. If you have paid for Platform Content but we have failed to make it available to you, then our liability for any such unavailability will be limited to the purchase price for that Platform Content.
You acknowledge that not all of our film and television programmes listed on our website are available for purchase nor will they become so in future.

11. Rules of Use

You shall use the Platform and the Platform Content strictly in accordance with these terms.
You will be authorised to use Platform Content only for personal, non-commercial use. You may not make any Platform Content available for any commercial purpose, educational purpose or any other purpose not expressly authorised in these terms.
You agree not to violate, circumvent, reverse-engineer, decompile, disassemble, or otherwise tamper with any of the security technology related to the Platform and the Platform Content for any reason, or to interfere with, remove or alter any digital rights management information on the Platform or the Platform Content, or to attempt or assist another person to do so.
You must not abuse or misuse the Platform by attempting to compromise the service by employing technologically harmful means or material.
You will not use the Platform for any purpose which is unlawful, not authorised by us or otherwise conflicts with these terms.
Your use of the Platform may be monitored and controlled by The Company or its service provider for compliance purposes at any time.

12. Third Party Material

Some information contained in the Platform may link you to sites that are not owned or under the control of The Company. The Company assumes no responsibility or liability for the content of those sites or otherwise for any third party material that may feature on the Platform.

13. Objectionable Material

We aim to include rating information when available for all Platform Content. You may personally consider some Platform Content to contain offensive, indecent, or objectionable content and some Platform Content may also contain explicit material. Subject to applicable censorship laws the Platform provides Platform Content at your sole risk and The Company shall have no liability to you for material that you may consider to be offensive, indecent, or objectionable.
Some Platform Content may be sold on an age restricted basis. It may be unlawful for you to knowingly purchase some Platform Content if you don’t meet the minimum age requirement. In purchasing Platform Content we rely on your agreement that you are old enough to legally purchase the particular Platform Content. If we have reasonable grounds to believe you are not old enough then we may cancel your Membership.

14. Intellectual Property

The Platform and the Platform Content contain information and material that is owned by The Company and/or its licensors and/or service providers, and is protected by applicable intellectual property and other laws, including those relating to copyright. The Company reserves for itself and such third parties all such rights in all jurisdictions throughout the World.
You must not (and must not permit others to) authorise or assist any other person to remove or interfere with any copyright notices contained in any Platform Content.
We take infringement of our copyright (and that of our licensors and service providers) seriously. You must:
- only use the Platform Content and related information and materials in the course of using the Platform in compliance with these terms and not for any other purpose;
- not download, upload, copy, reproduce, communicate to the public, transmit, publish, broadcast, modify, manipulate, rent, lease, loan, sell, distribute, or create any derivative works of any Platform Content or any part of it;
- not copy, reproduce, modify or manipulate any part of the Platform and/or Platform Content in any manner;
- not exploit the Platform or Platform Content in any unauthorised way whatsoever.
We reserve all rights and remedies available to us to prevent any infringement of intellectual property we or our licensors or service providers own that is comprised in the Platform or Platform Content.
The Company’s trade marks, service marks, graphics, and logos used in connection with the Platform are the intellectual property of The Company. Other trade marks, service marks, graphics, and logos used in connection with the Platform or with Platform Content may be the trade marks of their respective owners. You are granted no right or licence with respect to any of the aforesaid trade marks and any use of such trade marks.

15. Termination

We may:
- terminate the agreement created between you and The Company pursuant to these terms; and
- suspend access to the Platform (or any part thereof) or any Platform Content at any time without notice.
Provided you are not in breach of these terms we will reimburse you for any Platform Content you have successfully paid for but has not been made available to you in accordance with clause 7 at the time of termination or suspension.
We will not be liable if for any reason the Platform is unavailable at any time or for any period. From time to time, we may restrict access to some parts of the Platform or to Platform Content.
We have the right to disable any Membership at any time, if in our opinion you have failed to comply with any of these terms.
You may cease to use the Platform at any time.

16. Disclaimer

Your use of the Platform is at your own risk.
The Company does not guarantee, represent or warrant the uninterrupted or error-free use of the Platform and shall not be liable for any loss arising from such events including but not limited to loss, corruption, attack, viruses, interference, hacking, or other security intrusion or any other factors beyond The Company’s and/or its licensors’ and/or its service providers’ reasonable control, including but not limited to the nature of your Compatible Device or internet connection.
To the extent permitted by law, the Platform and the Platform Content are provided by The Company without warranties or guarantees of any kind, other than the statutory protection afforded to you by applicable legislation.

17. Limitation of Liability

The Company’s liability shall be limited as set out in these terms and otherwise to the amount of any liability that may arise under any applicable legislation and solely in respect of the failure to comply with any guarantee corresponding to The Company’s supply of goods or services relating to the Platform or any Platform Content.
The Company expressly excludes any liability for any direct, indirect or consequential loss or damages incurred by any user in connection with the Platform or in connection with the use, inability to use, or results of the use of the Platform.

18. Waiver and Indemnity

You agree to indemnify and hold The Company, its directors, officers, employees, affiliates, agents, contractors, and licensors harmless with respect to any claims arising out of your breach of these terms and your use of the Platform.
The Company reserves the right to take any action we believe necessary to recover any sums you owe us. You agree that, in such circumstances, you will be liable for all costs and expenses incurred by us including, but not limited to, legal fees, collection fees, arbitration costs and court costs.

19. Miscellaneous

These terms constitute the entire agreement between you and The Company regarding the Platform.
If any part of these terms is held invalid or unenforceable the remaining parts of these terms shall remain in full force and effect.
Our failure to enforce any right or provisions under these terms will not constitute a waiver of such provision or any other provision.
We will not be responsible for failure to fulfil any obligation due to causes beyond our control. We may notify you with respect to the Platform by sending an email message to your Member email address. Notices shall become effective immediately when issued by us.

20. Governing Law

These terms and your use of the Platform and Platform Content are governed by the jurisdiction where The Company is based for any claim or dispute relating in any way to your use of the Platform.