
疫情期間的落水狗 Drowning Dogs During the COVID-19 Pandemic

25min Animation 2022


疫情期間,大家被關在家裡隔離,紅婆婆只能和自己的小狗淼淼一起玩,這一天小狗跑丟了,原來是官方認為寵物也攜帶病毒,於是組織捕狗隊捕捉流浪狗,正好遇見外出的小狗淼淼,於是將其捕捉,紅婆婆決定去營救淼淼,在路上遇見也來營救小狗的黃小妹,於是一起把所有狗狗營救出來,但是城市不讓他們回去了,把他們當著病毒攜帶者拒絕回城,於是他們只能繼續順水漂流去遠方傳說中的自由之島,那裡沒有病毒和隔離,千辛萬苦之後,他們能到目的地嗎? 這是我在疫情期間的第二部動畫作品,依然把“流浪” 作為主要的線索,疫情期間,我待在家裡,但是心裡依然飄蕩不安,嚮往著更安全與安逸的生活,三年過去了依然沒有好轉,總是會從新聞裡看到各種荒誕的現實,而這些現實比劇情還要狗血,於是我更願意把自己天馬行空的思維與現實的魔幻揉捏在一起,做成一部部具有特殊意義的作品來紀念被按了暫停的現實,在我完成作品的時候,一座大城市依然被關閉著。

During the covid-19 pandemic, everyone was kept at home and quarantined, The red granny only play with her dog Miaomiao, one day,the dog was lost.It turned out that the authorities thought pets also carried the virus, so they organized dog hunting teams to catch stray dogs, They happen to meet the dog Miaomiao and capture its. The red granny decides to rescue miaomiao. On the way, they meet Huang Xiaomei, who has also come to rescue the dogs.They rescued all the dogs together, But the city won’t let them go back, Turned them away as carriers of the virus,So they drifted on to the fabled Island of Liberty, where there were no viruses or quarantines,Can they reach their destination after all this trouble? This is my the second animation works in the covid-19 pandemic, It’s still the ““homeless”” as the main clue, the outbreak period, I stay at home, but my heart is still floating, yearning for more security and a life of ease, Three years later, there is still no improvement, We always see all kinds of absurd realities in the news, and these realities are more bloody than the plot, Therefore, I prefer to combine my unconstrained thinking with the magic of reality to make works with special significance to commemorate the reality that has been pressed the pause button. When I finished the work, a big city was still closedred granny only play with her dog Miaomiao, one day,the dog was lost.It turned out that the authorities thought pets also carried the virus, so they organized dog hunting teams to catch stray dogs, They happen to meet the dog Miaomiao and capture its. The red granny decides to rescue miaomiao. On the way, they meet Huang Xiaomei, who has also come to rescue the dogs.They rescued all the dogs together, But the city won’t let them go back, Turned them away as carriers of the virus,So they drifted on to the fabled Island of Liberty, where there were no viruses or quarantines,Can they reach their destination after all this trouble? This is my the second animation works in the covid-19 pandemic, It’s still the ““homeless”” as the main clue, the outbreak period, I stay at home, but my heart is still floating, yearning for more security and a life of ease, Three years later, there is still no improvement, We always see all kinds of absurd realities in the news, and these realities are more bloody than the plot, Therefore, I prefer to combine my unconstrained thinking with the magic of reality to make works with special significance to commemorate the reality that has been pressed the pause button. When I finished the work, a big city was still closed

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疫情期間的飛天狗 Flying Dog During the Epidemic
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