
巴基之詩 The Poem of Pakistan

25min Drama 2021



巴基斯坦裔香港青年 Hamid 是銷售金融商品從業員,努力融入社會, 希望成為社會上流,經常遊走於投機取巧的界線,與自身文化和價值觀產生衝突。當他處理同鄉的保險索償,遇上熱愛烏都語詩歌的少年,勾起了對故土的連結,也反思自己在追求的,是否為真正期許的生活。

Hamid is a young Pakistani in Hong Kong who works hard to earn a living and has to take shortcuts sometimes. After he meets a Pakistan youth who loves Pakistani literature, he starts to reflect on his current way of life.

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粵語 Cantonese, 烏爾都語 Urdu


English, 繁中 Chinese


Hong Kong


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